Thursday 29 March 2018

Let's learn basic Kanji #12 level 2

Hi all!
How are you? 
Basic Kanji is easy and boring?
Ok, I'm gonna give you difficult and exciting Kanji. :)
髑髏  Here you are!
どくろ means 'cranium''skull' tho.
When the hell do I use this Kanji?
I've never written 髑髏 in my life. lol
I would write どくろ in Hiragana ever. That's fine.
I'm pretty sure most Japanese people can't write 髑髏. :p
So all I wanna say is that basic is importan. :)
Anyway, let's start today's Kanji!

外 音: ・ガイ・ゲ     訓:・そと・はず(す)・ほか
                Meaning: 'out''outside'

Example sentence:外でたばこを吸う。/Soto de tabako wo suu.
                                 (Smoke a cigarette.)
*In Japane, we call cigarette 'たばこ'(tobacco).
Tobacco is not common in Japan. Therefore たばこ means a cigarette even if it's a tobacco. hmm,,complicated. hehe

角 音: ・カク      訓:・かど・すみ・つの
                Meaning: 'corner''horn'

Example sentence:そこの角を右にまがってください。/Soko no kado wo migi ni magatte kudasai.
                                 (Turn right at that corner.)

活 音: ・カツ      訓:・い(きる)
                Meaning: 'active''vitality'

Example sentence:ボランティア活動にさんかする。/Boranthia katudou ni sanka suru.
                                 (Participate in a volunteer activity.)
*活動(かつどう)[n] activity
  参加する(さんかする)[v] to join, to take a part in, to participate in, to entry

間 音: ・カン・ケン      訓:・あいだ・ま
                Meaning: 'while''between''distance''interval'

Example sentence:しばらくの間、兄とは会っていません。/Shibaraku no aida ani towa atte imasen.
                                 (I haven't seen my old brother for a while.)
*しばらくの間(しばらくのあいだ)[adv] for a while

岩 音: ・ガン      訓:・いわ
                Meaning: 'rock'

Example sentence:石と岩の違いは何ですか?。/Ishi to iwa no chigai wa nann desu ka?.
                                 (What's the difference between a stone and  a rock?)

顔 音: ・ガン     訓:・かお
                Meaning: 'face'

Example sentence:顔を洗うが、手は洗わない。/Kao wo arau ga te wa arawa nai.
                                 ((I) Wash my face but not hands/but don't wash my hands.)

記 音: ・キ     訓:・しる(す)
                Meaning: 'record''account'

Example sentence:生年月日を記入してください。/Sei nen gappi wo kinyuu site kudasai.
                                 (Enter your date of birth.)
*生年月日(せいねんがっぴ)[n] date of birth,
  記入する(きにゅうする)[v] to enter, to make an entry, to fill in,

帰 音: ・キ         訓:・かえ(る)
                Meaning: 'return'

Example sentence:ねこが外から帰ってきた。/Neko ga soto kara kaette kita.
                                 (The cat came back from outside.)
*猫(ねこ)[n] cat
Here is a tip: Cats are the cutest animals in the world. :p

魚 音: ・ギョ       訓:・さかな・うお
                Meaning: 'fish'

Example sentence:魚を4匹ください。/Sakana wo yon hiki kudasai.
                                 (Can I have 4 fish?.)

京 音: ・キョウ・キン・ケイ      
                Meaning: 'imperial''capital'

Example sentence:東京では何をすべきですか?/Tokyo dewa nani wo subeki desuka?
                                 (What should I do in Tokyo?.)

How was today's Kanji?
Can you write 髑髏 correctly? :p
Do not try to memorise it. lol
Memorise useful Kanji, promise me?
Kanji is always fun tho. :)


--short story--
えきから出て角を曲がると、 そこにはたくさんの人がいた。

*In short story,  I'm writing sentences quite cusual way as native Japanese does.
I'm gonna translate them in other post later. :p

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26