Friday 18 May 2018

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #1

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #1 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N4, thre're about 600 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 挨拶(あいさつ)[n] greeting
  2. 味(あじ)[n] flavor, taste
  3. 赤ちゃん(あかちゃん)[n] baby
  4. 案内(あんない)[n] guidance
  5. 安心(あんしん)[n] relief
  6. 安全(あんぜん)[n] safety
  7. 足音(あしおと)[n] sounf of footsteps
  8. 遊び(あそび)[n] playing
  9. 番組(ばんぐみ)[n] TV.program
  10. 場所(ばしょ)[n] place, location
  11. 美術館(びじゅつかん)[n] art gallery, art museum
  12. 貿易(ぼうえき)[n] trade
  13. 部長(ぶちょう)[n]department head, general manager
  14. ぶどう[n] grape
  15. 文学(ぶんがく)[n] literature
  16. 文化(ぶんか)[n] culture, civilization
  17. 文法(ぶんぽう)[n] grammar
  18. 血(ち)[n] blood
  19. 力(ちから)[n] strength, force
  20. 地理(ちり)[n] geography
  21. 中学校(ちゅうがっこう)[n]secondary school, junior high school
  22. 注意(ちゅうい)[n] caution
  23. 注射(ちゅうしゃ)[n] injection
  24. 駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)[n] car park
  25. 大学生(だいがくせい)[n] university student
  26. 駄目(だめ)[n] not good, useless
  27. 暖房(だんぼう)[n] heating
  28. 男性(だんせい)[n] man, male
  29. 女性(じょせい)[n] woman, female
  30. 電灯(でんとう)[n] electric light
  31. 泥棒(どろぼう)[n] thief, burglar, robber
  32. 動物園(どうぶつえん)[n] zoo
  33. 道具(どうぐ)[n] tool
  34. 枝(えだ)[n] twig
  35. 船(ふね)[n] ship, boat
  36. 布団(ふとん)[n] futon, bed things
  37. 技術(ぎじゅつ)[n] skill, technology, engineering
  38. ゴミ[n] rubbish, garbage, trash
  39. 主人(しゅじん)[n] husband
  40. 具合(ぐあい)[n] condition, state, health
  41. 軍人(ぐんじん)[n] military personnel, soldier, army
  42. 葉(は)[n] leaf
  43. 歯医者(はいしゃ)[n] dentist
  44. 花見(はなみ)[n] cherry blossom viewing
  45. 反対(はんたい)[n] opposition, resitance
  46. 発音(はつおん)[n] pronunciation
  47. 林(はやし)[n] woods, forest
  48. 返事(へんじ)[n] reply, answer, response
  49. 火(ひ)[n] fire, flame
  50. ひげ[n] beard, moustache
  51. 光(ひかり)[n] light
  52. 引き出し(ひきだし)[n] drawer
  53. 空港(くうこう)[n] airport
  54. 飛行場(ひこうき)[n] airfield
  55. 昼間(ひるま)[n] daytime, during the day
  56. 昼休み(ひるやすみ)[n] lunch break
  57. 翻訳(ほんやく)[n] translation
  58. 星(ほし)[n] star
  59. 法律(ほうりつ)[n] law
  60. 医学(いがく)[n] medical science, medicine
  61. 意見(いけん)[n] opinion, view, comment
  62. 田舎(いなか)[n] rural area, countryside
  63. 石(いし)[n] stone
  64. 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)[n] very hard, with utmost effort
  65. 糸(いと)[n] thread, yarn, string
  66. 邪魔(じゃま)[n] obstacle, hindrance
  67. 字(じ)[n] character, letter
  68. 時代(じだい)[n] period, epoch, era, age
  69. 事故(じこ)[n] accident, incident, trouble
  70. 事務所(じむしょ)[n] office
  71. 神社(じんじゃ)[n] shrine
  72. 人口(じんこう)[n] population
  73. 地震(じしん)[n] earthquake
  74. 辞典(じしょ)[n] dictionary
  75. 自由(じゆう)[n] freedom, liberty
  76. 準備(じゅんび)[n] preparation
  77. 柔道(じゅうどう)[n] judo
  78. 住所(じゅうしょ)[n] address
  79. 壁(かべ)[n] wall
  80. 課長(かちょう)[n] section manager, section chief
  81. 科学(かがく)[n] science
  82. 鏡(かがみ)[n] mirror
  83. 海岸(かいがん)[n] coast, beach
  84. 会議(かいぎ)[n] meeting, conference
  85. 会議室(かいぎしつ)[n] meeting room, conference room
  86. 会場(かいじょう)[n] assembly hall
  87. 会話(かいわ)[n] conversation
  88. 火事(かじ)[n] fire, conflagration
  89. 形(かたち)[n] shape, form, figure
  90. 髪(かみ)[n] hair (head)
  91. 家内(かない)[n] wife
  92. 金持ち(かねもち)[n] rich person
  93. 関係(かんけい)[n] relation, relationship, connection
  94. 彼女(かのじょ)[n] she, her, girlfriend
  95. 彼(かれ)[n] he, him, boyfriend
  96. 顔(かお)[n] face
  97. 代わり(かわり)[n] substitute, replacement
  98. 毛(け)[n] hair, fur, wool
  99. 怪我(けが)[n] injury, hurt
  100. 計画(けいかく)[n] plan, project

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26