Monday 21 May 2018

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #2

JLPT N4 Vocabulary List #2 100 words

Hi guys.
In JLPT N4, thre're about 600 words including nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
I just listed them up (in disorder tho).
This is the first step for beginners to expand your vocabulary.
You can learn Kanji from this list as well. :)
*Here is a tip. First of all, you do not have to be able to write Kanji. You just need to read and understand the meaning of Kanji for now. :)
Here we go (/・ω・)/

  1. 遠慮(えんりょ)[n] constraint, restraint, modesty
  2. 不便(ふべん)[n] inconvenience
  3. 復習(ふくしゅう)[n] review, revision
  4. 複雑(ふくざつ)[n] complex, complicated
  5. 普通(ふつう)[n] general, ordinary, usual
  6. 原因(げんいん)[n] cause, origin, source
  7. 下宿(げしゅく)[n] boarding, lodging
  8. ご馳走(ごちそう)[n] feast, treating
  9. 反対(はんたい)[n] opposition, resistance
  10. 変(へん)[n] strange, odd, peculiar
  11. 経験(けいけん)[n] experience
  12. 警察(けいさつ)[n] police
  13. 経済(けいざい)[n] economics, economy
  14. 喧嘩(けんか)[n] quarrel, brawl, fight
  15. 研究(けんきゅう)[n] study, research, investigation
  16. 研究室(けんきゅうしつ)[n] laboratory
  17. 消しゴム(けしごむ)[n] eraser, rubber
  18. 景色(けしき)[n] landscape
  19. 気(き)[n] spirit, mind, heart
  20. 気分(きぶん)[n] feeling, mood
  21. 機会(きかい)[n] chance, opportunity
  22. 危険(きけん)[n] danger, peril, hazard
  23. 気持ち(きもち)[n] feeling, sensation, mood
  24. 近所(きんじょ)[n] neighborhood
  25. 絹(きぬ)[n] silk
  26. 季節(きせつ)[n] season
  27. 規則(きそく)[n] rule, regulation
  28. 心(こころ)[n] mind, heart, spirit
  29. 国内(こくない)[n] internal, domestic
  30. 国際(こくさい)[n] international
  31. 米(こめ)[n] rice
  32. 今夜(こんや)[n] this evening, tonight
  33. 故障(こしょう)[n] breakdown, out of order
  34. 答え(こたえ)[n] answer, reply, response
  35. 事(こと)[n] thing, matter
  36. 小鳥(ことり)[n] small bird, songbird
  37. 校長(こうちょう)[n] principal, headmaster
  38. 郊外(こうがい)[n] suburb, outskirts
  39. 講義(こうぎ)[n] lecture
  40. 工業(こうぎょう)[n] manufacturing industry
  41. 工場(こうじょう)[n] factory, plant
  42. 高校(こうこう)[n] high school, upper school
  43. 高校生(こうこうせい)[n] high school student
  44. 公務員(こうむいん)[n] goverment worker, public servant
  45. 交通(こうつう)[n] traffic, transportation
  46. 首(くび)[n] neck
  47. 雲(くも)[n] cloud
  48. 草(くさ)[n] grass, weed
  49. 空気(くうき)[n] air, atmosphere
  50. 空港(くうこう)[n] airport
  51. 客(きゃく)[n] guest, customer, visitor
  52. 教育(きょういく)[n] education
  53. 教会(きょうかい)[n] church
  54. 興味(きょうみ)[n] interest, curiosity
  55. 競争(きょうそう)[n] competition, contest
  56. 間違い(まちがい)[n] mistake
  57. 漫画(まんが)[n] comic, cartoon
  58. 港(みなと)[n] port, harbor
  59. 湖(みずうみ)[n] lake
  60. 木綿(もめん)[n] cotton
  61. 森(もり)[n] forest
  62. 昔(むかし)[n] old days, bygone
  63. 無理(むり)[n] impossible, unreasonable
  64. 虫(むし)[n] insect, bug
  65. 息子(むすこ)[n] son
  66. 娘(むすめ)[n] daughter
  67. 寝坊(ねぼう)[n] sleeping in late
  68. 値段(ねだん)[n] price, cost
  69. 熱心(ねっしん)[n] zeal, enthusiasm
  70. 熱(ねつ)[n] heat
  71. 二階建て(にかいだて)[n] two-storied building
  72. 日記(にっき)[n] diary
  73. 人形(にんぎょう)[n] doll
  74. 喉(のど)[n] throat
  75. 乗り物(のりもの)[n] vehicle
  76. お祝い(おいわい)[n] congratulations, celebration
  77. お嬢さん(おじょうさん)[n] young lady
  78. 屋上(おくじょう)[n] rooftop
  79. 贈り物(おくりもの)[n] gift, present
  80. お祭り(おまつり)[n] festival, feast, carnival
  81. お土産(おみやげ)[n] present, souvenir
  82. 玩具(がんぐ)[n] toy, plaything
  83. お礼(おれい)[n] thanks, gratitude
  84. 押し入れ(おしいれ)[n] closet, wardrobe
  85. お宅(おたく)[n] your house, your home, your family
  86. 音(おと)[n] sound, noise
  87. 夫(おっと)[n] husband
  88. お釣(おつり)[n] change (for a purchase)
  89. 終わり(おわり)[n] the end
  90. 親(おや)[n] parent
  91. 冷房(れいぼう)[n] air-conditioning, cooling
  92. 歴史(れきし)[n] history
  93. 理由(りゆう)[n] reason
  94. 旅館(りょかん)[n] Japanese-style lodging
  95. 最初(さいしょ)[n] beginning, first
  96. 最後(さいご)[n] last, final, latest
  97. 最近(さいきん)[n] most recent, these days, nowadays
  98. 坂(さか)[n] slope
  99. 昨夜(さくや)[n] last night
  100. 産業(さんぎょう)[n] industry

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26