Wednesday 16 May 2018

Let's learn basic Kanji #25 level 3

Hello guys!
How's your Kanji goin'?
I know it bothers you.
But if you know at least basic Kanji you can enjoy more Japanese culture. :)
Just try to write each Kanji 2 or 3 times. It's enough.
Better than nothing. (/・ω・)/
 By the way, Meaning is a mere example. When Kanji is used with other Kanji together that meaning is also changed.
For example, 花 means flower, 火 means fire. However 花火 means fireworks.
Let's study together!

屋 音: ・オク         訓:・や
                Meaning: 'store''shop'

Example sentence:お肉屋さんとお魚屋さん。/Onikuya san to osakanaya san.
                                 (The butcher and the fish shop.)

温 音: ・オン         訓:・あたた(める)
                Meaning: 'warm''hot (thing)'

Example sentence:温かいココアを飲む。/Atatakai kokoa wo nomu.
                                 (Drink a hot chocolate.)

化 音: ・カ・ケ         訓:・ば(かす)・ば(ける)
                Meaning: 'change''transform''take the shape of'

Example sentence:きつねが女に化けた。/Kitune ga onna ni baketa.
                                 (The fox took the shape of the women.)
*狐(きつね)[n] fox

界 音: ・カイ         訓:・さかい
                Meaning: 'field''world'

Example sentence:世界一周が夢です。/Sekai isshuu ga yume desu.
                                 (Traveling around the world is my dream.)

開 音: ・カイ         訓:・あ(く)・ひら(く)
                Meaning: 'open'

Example sentence:引き出しを開ける。/Hikidashi wo akeru.
                                 (Open the drawer.)
*引き出し(ひきだし)[n] drawer

階 音: ・カイ         
                Meaning: 'stair'

Example sentence:先生は下の階にいます。/Sensei wa sita no kai ni imasu.
                                 ((My) teacher is down stairs.)

寒 音: ・カン         訓:・さむ(い)
                Meaning: 'cold (weather)'

Example sentence:今日は本当に寒いです。/Kyou wa totemo samui desu.
                                 (Today is really cold.)

感 音: ・カン         訓:・かん(じる)
                Meaning: 'feel'

Example sentence:いたみを感じます。/Itami wo kanji masu.
                                 ((I) feel a pain.)
*痛み(いたみ)[n] pain

漢 音: ・カン         
                Meaning: 'Han (Chinese era)'

Example sentence:漢字の勉強をしています。/Kanji no benkyou wo siteimasu.
                                 ((I"m) studying Kanji.)
*漢字(かんじ)[n] Chinese characters

荷 音: ・カ         訓:・に・に(なう)
                Meaning: 'load'

Example sentence:荷物を日本に送る。/Nimotu wo nihon ni okuru.
                                 (Send the luggage to Japan.)
*荷物(にもつ)[n] luggage

・わたしは毎日、( かんじ )の勉強をしています。(I am studying Kanji everyday.)
・今日はとても( さむい )です。(Today is very cold.)
・お母さんは下の( かい )にいます。(Mm mother is down stairs,)
・ドアを( あける )。(Open the door.)
・( にもつ )をイギリスに送る。(Send the luggage to England.)
 ・わたしの夢は( せかい )一周です。(My dream is to travel around the world.)
 ・このパンを( あたためて )もらえますか?(Could you warm this bread up?)
 ・お( にくや )さんとお( さかなや )さん。(The butcher and fish shop.)
 ・こどくを( かんじる )。(I feel lonely.)
 ・きつねが先生に( ばけた )。(The fox took the shape of the teacher.)

How was today's Kanji?
I want to help you guys as much as I can.
So please follow my HelloTalk ID(hiro07.WDLJ) and Twitter(@learnjaphiro).

・わたしは毎日、( 漢字 )の勉強をしています。(I am studying Kanji everyday.)
・今日はとても( 寒い )です。(Today is very cold.)
・お母さんは下の( 階 )にいます。(Mm mother is down stairs,)
・ドアを( 開ける )。(Open the door.)
・( 荷物 )をイギリスに送る。(Send the luggage to England.)
 ・わたしの夢は( 世界 )一周です。(My dream is to travel around the world.)
 ・このパンを( 温めて )もらえますか?(Could you warm this bread up?)
 ・お( 肉屋 )さんとお( 魚屋 )さん。(The butcher and fish shop.)
 ・こどくを( 感じる )。(I feel lonely.)
 ・きつねが先生に( 化けた )。(The fox took the shape of the teacher.)

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26