Wednesday 9 May 2018

Let's learn grammar「~ませんか?」

Hello everyone!
It's time to learn Japanese grammar!
In this lesson, we'll learn how to use ''~ませんか?''.
It's not difficult at all.
Let's have a look. :)

 ~ませんか? is the expression for offering something.
It's a similar expression to ''Would you like to ~with me/together'' in English.
Here is a tip. ''~しませんか?'' basically includes the meaning of ''with me'' or ''together''.
As for example,
今日、勉強しませんか?  (Would you lke to study ( together ) today?)
This expression is quite polite and formal as same as In English.
Let's have a look how to canjugate. :)

Conjugation is quite simple and the same way for connecting to ます.
How to connect verbs to ます.

ru-verb and u-verb
'ru-verb' connects to 「ませんか?」without 'ru'.
「見る」 Miru  → Mi + ませんか? = Miませんか?   「見ませんか?」

'u-verb' connects to 「ませんか?」 without 'u' and adding 'i'.
「歩く」 Aruku  Aruk + i + ませんか? =Arukiませんか?  「歩きませんか?」

Let me give you some more examples.
「寝る」 N E R U →  Ne + ませんか?  = Neませんか?   「寝ませんか?」
「起きる」 O K I R U → Oki + ます = Okiます  「起きませんか?」

「話す」H A N A S U → Hanas + i + ませんか? =Hanasiませんか? 「話しませんか?」
「飲む」N O M U → Nom + i + ませんか? =Nomiませんか? 「飲みませんか?」

する  (to do)
In Japanese, there're many verbs ending in する.
That kind of verbs is always conjugated in the same way.
However, It's quite simple. Just replace uru with i.

For example,
「する」 SURU → S + I + ませんか? = し ませんか?
・勉強する → 勉強 しませんか? 
  勉強しませんか?(Would you like to study (with me)?)
・練習する → 練習 しませんか? 
  練習しませんか?(Would you like to practice (something with me)?)

In short, if verb ends in する it'll be always し.
It's easy enough, isn't it? :)

 That's it!
If you know basic such as conjugations and structures it should be easy. :)
Let's do some exercises!

conjugate words in brackets.
・いっしょに 映画を ( 見る )ませんか?(Would you like to watch a film together?)
*一緒(いっしょ)[adv] together
  映画(えいが)[n] film, movie

・時間があったら ( 話す )ませんか?(If you had a time would you like to talk (with me)?) 
*時間(じかん)[n] time

・外でビールを ( 飲む )ませんか?(Would you like to drink beer outside?)
*外(そと)[n][pre][adv] outside
  ビール(びーる)[n] beer

・図書館で ( 勉強する )ませんか?(Would you like to study at the library?)
*図書館(としょかん)[n] library

・いっしょに 学校に ( 行く     )? (Would you like to go to school together?)

How was today's lesson?
Please give me a feedback, your thoughts and your sentence using today's grammar. :)
I'm happy to help you learn Japanese anytime.

・いっしょに 映画を ( 見 )ませんか?(Would you like to watch a film together?)

・時間があったら ( 話し )ませんか?(If you had a time would you like to talk (with me)?) 

・外でビールを ( 飲み )ませんか?(Would you like to drink beer outside?)

・図書館で ( 勉強し )ませんか?(Would you like to study at the library?)

・いっしょに 学校に ( 行き ませんか? )? (Would you like to go to school together?)

Kanji Practice Sheets Download.

Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26