Sunday 13 May 2018

#Practice 週末は何をする? Let's talk about weekend!

Hello everyone!
How are you doing?
Do you have any plans for this weekend?
I haven't planned anything yet, but I'm going to go to London this weekend.
I hope it'll be sunny this weekend. :)
So in this lesson, we'll practice talking about typical your weekend and planning for weekend.
Let's get started! :)

*週末(しゅうまつ)[n] weekend
  典型的な(てんけいてきな)[adj] typical

1.典型的な週末の過ごし方      A typical weekend
Let me give you some vocabulary first. :)

Vocabulary: 普段すること What to do usually

・勉強する        :do some studying
・のんびり過ごす     :stay in and relax
・スポーツをする     :play any sports
・野球をする       :play baseball
・サッカーをする     :play football
・教会へ行く       :go to church
・両親/家族に会う     :visit one's parents/family
・友達とご飯を食べに行く :go out with friends for a meal
・車を洗う/洗車する    :clean the car
・家/部屋の片づけをする  :tidy up one's house/room
・町をうろつく      :wander/roam around town
・映画館に行く      :go to the cinema/theatre
・散歩に行く/散歩をする  :go out for a walk
・友達と遊ぶ       :chill out/hung out with friends
・一日中ゲームをする   :play video games all day
・いっぱい買い物をする  :do the weekly shopping

anyway, plz answer...
Question.週末は普段何をしますか?(What do you usually do on weekends?)
(I usually go to the gym on weekends. After that, I go and eat Sushi and go to Sentou. It costs a lot of money but for me it's a good to spend my time.)
*銭湯(せんとう)[n] public bath

 Your answer.....

 2.予定はありますか?(Do you have any plans?)
You'll be asked about plans for ''this weekend'' by friend.
So answer'll be future tense.
In Japanese, future tense is quite easy. It's the same as present tense.
For example,
I will go to the gym this Sunday.
See? It's easy, isn't it?

There's a couple of ways to answer about your plans.
For example,
私はジムに行く 予定です。(I am planning to go to the gym.)
私はジムに行く つもりです。(I am going to go to the gym.)
and so on. :)

Let me give you some collocations. :)

・~をしなければいけません。(I've got to (do something).)
(I've got to go to school.)

今週の日曜日は、両親に会うために朝早くに起き なければいけません。
(I've got to get up really early this Sunday to see my parents.)

・~をすることになっています。(I'm supposed to be doing something.)
(I'm supposed to be cleaning the garden.)

(I'm supposed to be playing football this Saturday, but I've got a bit of cold.)

・おそらく~をします。(I might be doing something.)
(I might be studying.)

(I might be going to the cinema, but it's up to my friend.)

・特に何もないです。(Nothing special.)

・予定は全くないです。(I haven't really planned anything.)

・私は(それ)をすごく楽しみにしています。I'm really looking forward to it.

now plz answer,
Question.今週末は何をするつもりですか?(What are you up to this weekend?)

*There're some ways to ask this question.
週末の予定はありますか?(Do you have any plans for this weekend?)
週末は何をしますか?(What are you up to this weekend?)
週末は何をするつもりですか? (What are you gonna do this weekend?)
and so on.

(I have to do a lot of work this weekend because the deadline for my essay is Monday, and I haven't even strated it yet.)

 Your answer.........

 3.~をしたいですか? (Do you want to...?)
Let me ask you some questions. :)
Please answer them for practice talking about spending your time. :)
Think about wether you want to....

1.stay at home or go away somewhere.
2.relax or keep busy.
3.stay in the town or go out of the town. on your own or with friends. out or at home.

answer examples,
1.私は、週末はお家にいたいです。一人でいるのが好きなので、休みの日は一人でお酒を飲みたいです。(I want to stay at home. I prefer being alone so I want to drink alcohol alone on my day off.)
2.リラックスしたいです。休みの日は仕事について考えたくありません。(I want to relax. I don't want to think of work on my day off.)
3.地元の町には銭湯もあるので、地元の町で過ごすのが好きです。(There is Sento in my hometown so I like to stay in my hometown.)
4.一人でいたいです。そもそも、友達がいません。(I want to be on my own. I don't have any friends tho.)
5.自分で料理をするのが好きなので、家で食べたいです。(I like to cook meals by myself so I want to eat at home.)

Your answer...

How was today's lesson?
Please tell me your plan for this weekend. :)
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HelloTalk: hiro07.WDLJ

I'm looking forward to seeing your post in Japanese. :)


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Kanji Practice Sheets. Download here:  JLPT N4 Level ↓ #27 #26